Roger Federer ha confirmado que no participará en el Masters 1000 de Shanghai (China), por encontrarse con molestias físicas y cansancio acumulado.
El suizo el año pasado llegó a la final donde cayó con Andy Murray, por lo que perderá 600 puntos al no participar en el torneo.
Esto ha dicho el suizo:
"Necesito descansar y recuperarme de un largo verano. Tengo lesiones persistentes y necesito tiempo para tratarlas.
Tengo muy buenos recuerdos de Shanghai, es un torneo increible y cuento con muchos aficionados chinos, por lo que volveré el próximo otoño"
viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011
jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011
La Fundación de Roger Federer lanza un nuevo proyecto solidario en Zimbabwe.
Saludos amigos/as.
La fundación de Roger Federer ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo proyecto solidario en Zimbabwe (África).
La fundación de Roger está asociada junto con otra organización solidaria llamada CAMFED. Ambas organizaciones trabajan juntas en la organización de proyectos solidarios para ayudar a los niños y los jovenes de algunos países de África.
Los paises ayudados por el momento son Sudáfrica, Zambia, Malawi, Etiopía, Tanzania y ahora se unirá también Zimbabwe.
Este nuevo proyecto en Zimbabwe durará tres años y contará con un presupuesto de 930.000 francos suizos.
El objetivo del proyecto será ayudar a 39.300 niños y mejorar la educación de la primera infancia.
Las actividades que se incluyen en el proyecto son:
* Mejorar la calidad del entorno de aprendizaje físico para 3.600 niños en las escuelas primaria y preescolar las clases temprano desarrollo de la niñez.
* Ayudar a 17.100 huérfanos y niños necesitados en 60 escuelas primarias con las subvenciones de lo esencial de la escuela, tales como papelería, zapatos y ropa.
* Llegar a 39.300 niños y sus familias información sobre salud y la higiene a través de Cama, una red de jóvenes egresados de las mujeres de las comunidades rurales.
* Reducir el hambre infantil en 20 escuelas preescolares a través de gestión comunitaria, los programas de alimentación escolar sostenible.
* Formación 2000 de la escuela, la comunidad y representantes del distrito en materia de salud y bienestar del niño, especialmente para los niños en la escuela primaria inicial y preescolar.
* Formación de 60 profesores en cada escuela sobre la protección infantil de los niños en edad preescolar.
* La creación de un programa de capacitación sobre salud y bienestar del niño para su uso en las escuelas y las comunidades rurales.
La fundación de Roger Federer ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo proyecto solidario en Zimbabwe (África).
La fundación de Roger está asociada junto con otra organización solidaria llamada CAMFED. Ambas organizaciones trabajan juntas en la organización de proyectos solidarios para ayudar a los niños y los jovenes de algunos países de África.
Los paises ayudados por el momento son Sudáfrica, Zambia, Malawi, Etiopía, Tanzania y ahora se unirá también Zimbabwe.
Este nuevo proyecto en Zimbabwe durará tres años y contará con un presupuesto de 930.000 francos suizos.
El objetivo del proyecto será ayudar a 39.300 niños y mejorar la educación de la primera infancia.
Las actividades que se incluyen en el proyecto son:
* Mejorar la calidad del entorno de aprendizaje físico para 3.600 niños en las escuelas primaria y preescolar las clases temprano desarrollo de la niñez.
* Ayudar a 17.100 huérfanos y niños necesitados en 60 escuelas primarias con las subvenciones de lo esencial de la escuela, tales como papelería, zapatos y ropa.
* Llegar a 39.300 niños y sus familias información sobre salud y la higiene a través de Cama, una red de jóvenes egresados de las mujeres de las comunidades rurales.
* Reducir el hambre infantil en 20 escuelas preescolares a través de gestión comunitaria, los programas de alimentación escolar sostenible.
* Formación 2000 de la escuela, la comunidad y representantes del distrito en materia de salud y bienestar del niño, especialmente para los niños en la escuela primaria inicial y preescolar.
* Formación de 60 profesores en cada escuela sobre la protección infantil de los niños en edad preescolar.
* La creación de un programa de capacitación sobre salud y bienestar del niño para su uso en las escuelas y las comunidades rurales.
miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011
Suiza se enfrentará a Estados Unidos en 1ª Ronda de la Copa Davis 2012.
Saludos amigos/as.
Ya se ha sorteado la 1ª Ronda de la Copa Davis 2012.
Suiza consiguió ascender al Grupo Mundial, tras ganar el pasado finde semana ante Australia por 2-3.
Los suizos se enfrentarán a Estados Unidos en 1ª Ronda de la Copa Davis 2012. La eliminatoria se disputará en Suiza, del 10 al 12 de Febrero, por lo que los suizos elegirán pista.
Roger Federer no suele ir nunca a jugar en 1ª Ronda, aunque el próximo año quizás de más importancia a esta competición.
Aquí os pongo todas las eliminatorias que se disputarán:
Suiza - EEUU
España - Kazajistan
Austria - Rusia
Canadá - Francia
R.Checa - Italia
Serbia - Suecia
Japón - Croacia
Alemania - Argentina
Ya se ha sorteado la 1ª Ronda de la Copa Davis 2012.
Suiza consiguió ascender al Grupo Mundial, tras ganar el pasado finde semana ante Australia por 2-3.
Los suizos se enfrentarán a Estados Unidos en 1ª Ronda de la Copa Davis 2012. La eliminatoria se disputará en Suiza, del 10 al 12 de Febrero, por lo que los suizos elegirán pista.
Roger Federer no suele ir nunca a jugar en 1ª Ronda, aunque el próximo año quizás de más importancia a esta competición.
Aquí os pongo todas las eliminatorias que se disputarán:
Suiza - EEUU
España - Kazajistan
Austria - Rusia
Canadá - Francia
R.Checa - Italia
Serbia - Suecia
Japón - Croacia
Alemania - Argentina
martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011
Roger Federer es nombrado como segunda persona más confiable y respetada en el mundo.
Roger Federer ha sido nombrado como la segunda persona más respetada, admirada y confiable en el mundo entero.
Según una encuesta realizada por el "Instituto de la reputación", en la que han participado mas de 25 millones de personas de distintos paises, Roger ha quedado segundo y solo ha sido superado por Nelson Mandela, presidente de Sudáfrica.
La "Leader Reptrack", es un estudio que se encarga de analizar la reputación de las 54 personas de mayor reputación mundial en el ámbito político, negocios, cultura y deportes.
Charles Fombrun, presidente del Instituto de la reputación, ha dicho:
"Los dos principales de la lista son Mandela y Federer, tienen lazos emocionales con Sudáfrica y han donado tiempo y dinero para ayudar a la región y a su gente. Así se refleja su esfuerzo"
A continuación os pongo como ha quedado la lista tras el estudio realizado:
Según una encuesta realizada por el "Instituto de la reputación", en la que han participado mas de 25 millones de personas de distintos paises, Roger ha quedado segundo y solo ha sido superado por Nelson Mandela, presidente de Sudáfrica.
La "Leader Reptrack", es un estudio que se encarga de analizar la reputación de las 54 personas de mayor reputación mundial en el ámbito político, negocios, cultura y deportes.
Charles Fombrun, presidente del Instituto de la reputación, ha dicho:
"Los dos principales de la lista son Mandela y Federer, tienen lazos emocionales con Sudáfrica y han donado tiempo y dinero para ayudar a la región y a su gente. Así se refleja su esfuerzo"
A continuación os pongo como ha quedado la lista tras el estudio realizado:
Rank | Nombre | RepTrak Pulse |
1 | Nelson Mandela | 78.5 |
2 | Roger Federer | 72.1 |
3 | Bill Gates | 71.7 |
4 | Warren Buffett | 69.7 |
5 | Richard Branson | 68.3 |
6 | Steve Jobs | 68.3 |
7 | Oprah Winfrey | 67.7 |
8 | Bono | 67.7 |
9 | Ratan Tata | 66.3 |
10 | Elizabeth II | 64.9 |
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011
Suiza gana la eliminatoria de Copa Davis ante Australia por 2-3 y consigue el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
Suiza ha conseguido el ascenso al Grupo Mundial de la Copa Davis 2012, tras ganar a Australia por 2-3 en Sidney (Australia).
Los suizos han conseguido remontar la eliminatoria en el tercer dia, después de perder el partido de dobles y ir perdiendo la eliminatoria 2-1.
Después de que Roger ganara a Tomic y empatara la eliminatoria 2-2, era Wawrinka el encargado de jugar el partido decisivo ante Hewitt y el suizo no ha fallado y ha conseguido la victoria en un partido épico, donde ha ganado por 4-6, 6-4, 6-7, 6-4 y 6-3.
Con esta victoria, los suizos el año que viene estarán en el cuadro del Grupo Mundial, donde en los próximos dias se procederá al sorteo de 1ª Ronda del año que viene.
Los suizos han conseguido remontar la eliminatoria en el tercer dia, después de perder el partido de dobles y ir perdiendo la eliminatoria 2-1.
Después de que Roger ganara a Tomic y empatara la eliminatoria 2-2, era Wawrinka el encargado de jugar el partido decisivo ante Hewitt y el suizo no ha fallado y ha conseguido la victoria en un partido épico, donde ha ganado por 4-6, 6-4, 6-7, 6-4 y 6-3.
Con esta victoria, los suizos el año que viene estarán en el cuadro del Grupo Mundial, donde en los próximos dias se procederá al sorteo de 1ª Ronda del año que viene.
domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011
Roger Federer gana a Tomic y empata la eliminatoria entre Australia y Suiza.
Roger Federer ha empatado la eliminatoria de Copa Davis entre Australia y Suiza, tras ganar en el cuarto partido de la eliminatoria al australiano Bernard Tomic por 6-2, 7-5, 3-6 y 6-3.
Roger tenía la responsabilidad de dar otro punto a Suiza para mantenerlos con vida y empatar 2-2 la eliminatoria yno ha fallado a su país.
El suizo ha jugado un buen partido y ha dominado en la mayoría de tiempo del partido ante un rival que ha plantado batalla y en algunos momentos ha jugado bien pero no ha podido hacer nada ante el tenis desplegado por Roger.
El quinto partido será el que decida la eliminatoria y lo disputará Stanislas Wawrinka ante Lleyton Hewitt, en lo que será un partido complicado para el suizo a priori pero habrá que confiar en que Stan pueda dar el punto de la victoria y los suizos esten el próximo año en el Grupo Mundial.
Roger tenía la responsabilidad de dar otro punto a Suiza para mantenerlos con vida y empatar 2-2 la eliminatoria yno ha fallado a su país.
El suizo ha jugado un buen partido y ha dominado en la mayoría de tiempo del partido ante un rival que ha plantado batalla y en algunos momentos ha jugado bien pero no ha podido hacer nada ante el tenis desplegado por Roger.
El quinto partido será el que decida la eliminatoria y lo disputará Stanislas Wawrinka ante Lleyton Hewitt, en lo que será un partido complicado para el suizo a priori pero habrá que confiar en que Stan pueda dar el punto de la victoria y los suizos esten el próximo año en el Grupo Mundial.
sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011
Roger Federer y Stanislas Wawrinka caen en el partido de dobles de la eliminatoria y Australia toma ventaja por 2-1.
Roger Federer y Stanislas Wawrinka han caido derrotados en el 3º partido de la eliminatoria de Copa Davis entre Australia y Suiza, ante la pareja formada por Lleyton Hewitt y Chris Guccione por un marcador de 6-2, 4-6, 2-6 y 6-7 (5-7).
Los suizos empezaron jugando bien pero en el transcurso del partido fueron bajando su nivel y los australianos lo aprovecharon para ganar el partido y ponerse por delante en la eliminatoria por 2-1.
De esta forma los suizos lo tienen complicado y se la jugarán en el último dia de la eliminatoria, donde Roger Federer tendrá que ganar a Tomic para empatar la eliminatoria y posteriormente Wawrinka tendrá que ganar a Hewitt para ganar la eliminatoria y conseguir el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
Los suizos empezaron jugando bien pero en el transcurso del partido fueron bajando su nivel y los australianos lo aprovecharon para ganar el partido y ponerse por delante en la eliminatoria por 2-1.
De esta forma los suizos lo tienen complicado y se la jugarán en el último dia de la eliminatoria, donde Roger Federer tendrá que ganar a Tomic para empatar la eliminatoria y posteriormente Wawrinka tendrá que ganar a Hewitt para ganar la eliminatoria y conseguir el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011
Roger Federer gana a Hewitt y empata la eliminatoria entre Australia y Suiza.
Roger Federer ha igualado la eliminatoria 1-1 entre Australia y Suiza, tras ganar en el segundo partido a Lleyton Hewitt por 5-7, 7-6, 6-3 y 6-2.
Después de que Wawrinka cayera derrotado en el primer partido ante Tomic por 6-4, 4-6, 3-6 y 3-6, era Roger el encargado de intentar empatar la eliminatoria.
Roger perdió el primer set pero pudo remontar y al final acabó ganando de forma cómoda y de esta forma empatar la eliminatoria 1-1, en la que los suizos se están jugando el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
En la jornada del sábado se disputará el partido de dobles, donde la pareja formada por Roger Federer y Stanislas Wawrinka buscarán dar ventaja a Suiza, donde tendrán como rivales a la pareja formada por Lleyton Hewitt y Chris Guccione.
Después de que Wawrinka cayera derrotado en el primer partido ante Tomic por 6-4, 4-6, 3-6 y 3-6, era Roger el encargado de intentar empatar la eliminatoria.
Roger perdió el primer set pero pudo remontar y al final acabó ganando de forma cómoda y de esta forma empatar la eliminatoria 1-1, en la que los suizos se están jugando el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
En la jornada del sábado se disputará el partido de dobles, donde la pareja formada por Roger Federer y Stanislas Wawrinka buscarán dar ventaja a Suiza, donde tendrán como rivales a la pareja formada por Lleyton Hewitt y Chris Guccione.
jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011
Copa Davis: Roger Federer jugará el segundo partido de la eliminatoria entre Australia y Suiza ante Lleyton Hewitt.
Saludos amigos/as.
Este fin de semana se disputa la eliminatoria de Copa Davis entre Australia y Suiza, en la que Roger defenderá a su país y los suizos buscarán el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
La eliminatoria se disputará en tierras australianas, en el Royal Sidney Golf Club, en Sidney (Australia), sobre una superficie de hierba.

El equipo suizo estara formado por Roger Federer, Stanislas Wawrinka, Marco Chiudinelli y Stephane Bohli.
El equipo australiano lo formarán Bernard Tomic, Lleyton Hewitt, Chris Guccione y Matthew Ebden.
Hoy se ha sorteado el orden de partidos de la eliminatoria. Este viernes la eliminatoria se abrirá con el partido entre Bernard Tomic y Stanislas Wawrinka.

Roger Federer jugará el segundo partido ante Lleyton Hewitt, en torno a las 13:00 pm hora local (Sydney), 05:00 am en España (madrugada del jueves al viernes), 00:00 am en Argentina (madugada del jueves al viernes).

El sábado se disputará el partido de dobles, en donde Roger y Stanislas formarán la pareja suiza y se enfrentarán ante la pareja formada por Hewitt y Guccione.


El domingo se disputarán los dos partidos restantes de la eliminatoria que serán los que disputen en principio Tomic ante Roger y posteriormente Wawrinka ante Hewitt.
Este fin de semana se disputa la eliminatoria de Copa Davis entre Australia y Suiza, en la que Roger defenderá a su país y los suizos buscarán el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
La eliminatoria se disputará en tierras australianas, en el Royal Sidney Golf Club, en Sidney (Australia), sobre una superficie de hierba.
El equipo suizo estara formado por Roger Federer, Stanislas Wawrinka, Marco Chiudinelli y Stephane Bohli.
El equipo australiano lo formarán Bernard Tomic, Lleyton Hewitt, Chris Guccione y Matthew Ebden.
Hoy se ha sorteado el orden de partidos de la eliminatoria. Este viernes la eliminatoria se abrirá con el partido entre Bernard Tomic y Stanislas Wawrinka.
Roger Federer jugará el segundo partido ante Lleyton Hewitt, en torno a las 13:00 pm hora local (Sydney), 05:00 am en España (madrugada del jueves al viernes), 00:00 am en Argentina (madugada del jueves al viernes).
El sábado se disputará el partido de dobles, en donde Roger y Stanislas formarán la pareja suiza y se enfrentarán ante la pareja formada por Hewitt y Guccione.

El domingo se disputarán los dos partidos restantes de la eliminatoria que serán los que disputen en principio Tomic ante Roger y posteriormente Wawrinka ante Hewitt.
domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011
Conferencia de prensa a Roger Federer tras perder en semifinales del Us Open 2011 ante Novak Djokovic
Hola a todos
Hoy después de caer eliminado del Us Open 2011 en semifinales, Roger Federer ha brindado la conferencia de prensa protocolar.
Esta en inglés, pero como siempre mencionamos se puede traducir desde el blog, seleccionando el idioma a traducirla, en la columna derecha arriba de todo, donde dice Traducir Blog.
Aquí lo que ha dicho el suizo:
Q. This must hurt, Roger. Can you tell us what your feelings are now and where you think it slipped away?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, it's awkward having to explain this loss because I feel like I should be doing the other press conference. But it's what it is, you know, I mean. Yeah, I mean, it's the obvious, really. He came back; he played well. I didn't play so well at the very end. Sure, it's disappointing, but I have only myself to blame, you know.
Q. You seemed like you were taking control in the fifth set. How disappointing is it to not be able to kinda keep that momentum going? You certainly had it in that fifth set.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I had it. There's no more I could do. Snaps one shot, and then the whole thing changes. It's strange how it goes, you know, but it was a good tournament for me. Sure, I'd love to be in the finals and give myself a chance to win the title, which is not the case now. So I have to accept that and move on.
Q. You just said I have no one to blame but yourself. Where do you lay the blame?
ROGER FEDERER: Maybe I said.
Q. Do you find it amazing that he can come up with two blinding forehands in successive years on match point? The odds are pretty remote, aren't they, of him doing that twice?
ROGER FEDERER: Look, it happens sometimes. That's why we all watch sports, isn't it? Because we don't know the outcome and everybody has a chance, and until the very moment it can still turn. That's what we love about the sport, but it's also very cruel and tough sometimes. It got me today. It hurts, but it's fine. Could be worse. It could be a final.
Q. Could you hit a much better serve for the return he hit that winner?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, much better. I didn't hit the best serve. But it's just the way he returns that. It's just not -- a guy who believes much, you know, anymore in winning. Then to lose against someone like that, it's very disappointing, because you feel like he was mentally out of it already. Just gets the lucky shot at the end, and off you go.
Q. What did he do better this time than when you played in the French Open?
ROGER FEDERER: Are you serious? I mean, I thought it was a close match. I should have won here. French Open was very close, too. He could have won that. It's just one of those matches, you know. I mean, I set it all up perfect, but I couldn't finish it.
Q. What did you see of Novak's reaction and playing to the crowd after he hit that forehand winner? What were you thinking at that point?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I see probably 2% of what he does or other players do because I am focused on my stuff, and I don't look what they're doing. I don't really care. As long as it's sportsmanship, I don't care. I don't know what he did, so it's not an issue.
Q. When a guy hits a shot like that forehand on match point, is that a function of luck, of risk, or is it a function of confidence that someone would make kind of...
ROGER FEDERER: Confidence? Are you kidding me? I mean, please. Look, some players grow up and play like that. I remember losing junior matches. Just being down 5 2 in the third, and they all just start slapping shots. It all goes in for some reason, because that's the kind of way they grew up playing when they were down. I never played that way. I believe in hard work's gonna pay off kinda thing, because early on maybe I didn't always work at my hardest. So for me, this is very hard to understand how can you play a shot like that on match point. But, look, maybe he's been doing it for 20 years, so for him it was very normal. You've got to ask him.
Q. Comparing this loss to the Tsonga loss in Wimbledon being up two sets, how do you react to that? Are you more frustrated with this one?
ROGER FEDERER: Same thing. I felt like I played okay today. Maybe better at Wimbledon, but then again, it's a different surface, it's different opponents. Today I clearly felt like I never should have lost, where in Wimbledon it was I don't want to say it was more out of my control, you know but it's, you know, a bit of reaction tennis on grass. I was never up a break in the third, fourth, or fifth at Wimbledon, which today I was. I was one serve away, really. Yeah, I mean, I get over these losses quickly. Wimbledon didn't get me down.
Q. You were really dominant until the first game of the third set, and you made quite a few errors in that game. Kinda let him back in the match. Given how much longer it went and all the things that happened, how important or unimportant was that game?
ROGER FEDERER: You have to figure that Novak was gonna get his teeth into the match at one stage, right? It's a pity that it happened then, because I think I had a couple of game points, too. So it hurts getting broken that way. You know, if it goes 15-40 and you never really have a chance to close it out, it's more acceptable. So like this, it was a bit -- again, a bit unfortunate, I thought. He played well. I didn't serve my very best. It was a combination of many things. And then what he does really well this year, he front runs really well and he started playing great. It was hard to counter his playing. That's why it was very important to push for the two sets to love lead. Everything I did today I thought was the right way. He just played really well in the third and the fourth.
Q. After the shot that everyone's talking about, double match point, your next serve was right into his body and he fought it off. That was a good serve, right?
ROGER FEDERER: It was a better serve. I don't know, I mean, who cares right now? Yeah, maybe I get a bit unlucky with the net cord. Who knows? Seriously, at this point I don't care anymore. It's all in the past.
Q. In Melbourne, after your run there, you said not so fast, everybody. Hold on. Let's see how the year unfolds. A lot of great runs, a lot of good victories this year. No slams. What's your assessment of your season? I know you're just coming off a tough loss.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, that's a great question. Look, I think the top four guys again had a great season at slams. I definitely had some serious chances to do a bit better, and I still made, what was it, semis, finals, quarters, semis? But I think in a few of them I could have gone all the way, if not a step or two further. It's maybe, you know, a tough year in terms of some tough losses at some crucial stages of the season. Look, it's not the first time it's happened. I have had big matches where I ended up losing some, but the majority I was able to win throughout my career. Some of them you just have to move forward with also losses like this and not get too down about it. Sure you always feel like what an opportunity, what a pity, because you got to wait for a year till the US Open rolls around. But then again, the season is not over yet. I'm looking forward to what's still to come. Like I said, the year could have definitely been better, but then again, there was some reasons for that too, I'm sure.
Q. Can you put into context this year for the competition, the level of quality of play among the top four compared to, say, the past five years?
ROGER FEDERER: I would say similar, isn't it? I mean, Novak has finished No. 3 for three or four years in a row. Murray has been in the top 5 for quite some time. Rafa, myself, anyway, we have been around for what, six years, seven years together at the top? What's it been eight now I have been in the top 4? So it's been pretty much similar. It's just that this year someone else won slams than Rafa and myself.
Q. When you lost the fourth set or you were close to losing the fourth set, were you trying to save energy for the fifth? No, you didn't have any strategy?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't play that way. I don't give away stuff and just hope and save and do that stuff like other players do. I mean, yeah, I believe I can turn it around. I believe in, you know, making things happen and work hard, and, yeah, believing it doesn't matter what the scoreline is. It gives you a bigger lift if you're up 5-1 than being down 5-1. Who cares? You never know, like we saw today.
Q. Did you notice the crowd's spontaneous eruption in your behalf as you entered the court in the fifth set, and did that contribute to your good start in the fifth set?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, the goal clearly was after, you know, not getting that many chances in the third and the fourth that I was definitely gonna come out sort of running and, you know, ready to go and excited about being in the fifth set, because I love playing five setters. It's what it's all about. I've worked extremely hard throughout my career that, you know, I can win these matches. So that the crowd got into it was fantastic. I mean, you know, I don't want to say I expected it. But it's true, every time you get reminded how great the crowd is here in New York, you know, and that they actually wait for something to happen. For them, that was a key moment. They were happy with our performance, and I think they were really hoping I was gonna win today. I felt that. It definitely gave me a lift on top of that, and that's why maybe it's even more disappointing I couldn't deliver that lift today.
Q. You spoke a moment ago about the tough finishes in the slams. How was your belief in yourself different, if at all, today than it was maybe before this season?
ROGER FEDERER: Same thing. I mean, look, I did all the right things in so many tournaments. But like I said, sometimes in sports it just goes the other way, you know. Maybe you've already won so much that it evens it out a bit sometimes. I don't know. But for me, anyway, it was still a good run here. Like I said, I played great. I thought I was playing some really good tennis these last few matches, and that's definitely gonna give me a lift. Sure, it's a bit of a bummer here, what happened today. I guess it happens occasionally.
Q. Your first slam was in 2003 and your last one was 2010. At the end of this year, will you have a different feeling than the last seven?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I mean, it's not January 1st yet. Let's see what happens. There's still some stuff left: hometown tournament in Basel, the World Tour Finals coming up still where I'm qualified for. So there's still a lot to play for this season, but definitely I've had better seasons, yeah. But then again, you can't play every season identical. You don't want it to be, otherwise it becomes boring, too. I guess I will be extremely hungry going to Australia next year. It's clear and obvious, and I know if I keep on working hard now that I'm feeling so good right now it will all pay off. I know it. I haven't felt like this in a long time, so this is a good time.
Q. Players have been very vocal and effective in making their views known here. You know the game. Do you expect to see major changes here, or do you think things will just revert again and the schedule will be as it is next year again and so on?
ROGER FEDERER: It will be disappointing if that's the case. I don't want to have to say that. Without putting any pressure on them, I think it's obvious that there needs to be a change, especially at the back end of the tournament. I believe also at the front end you can't play first rounds over three days in a place where you do get rain and you don't have a roof so you don't have that protection. Yeah, I mean, it's not the first year we're finishing on Monday. I just think the competitive advantage that maybe one player has over another in any Grand Slam final, at the US Open it's just unfair for the player. I just hope that a tournament, they understand it, they see that. It shouldn't even be like a debate and trying to put them in a corner. I just think it's common sense. We'll hope for that, otherwise we will have to make ourselves heard again, which is not something we like doing.
Hoy después de caer eliminado del Us Open 2011 en semifinales, Roger Federer ha brindado la conferencia de prensa protocolar.
Esta en inglés, pero como siempre mencionamos se puede traducir desde el blog, seleccionando el idioma a traducirla, en la columna derecha arriba de todo, donde dice Traducir Blog.
Aquí lo que ha dicho el suizo:
Q. This must hurt, Roger. Can you tell us what your feelings are now and where you think it slipped away?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, it's awkward having to explain this loss because I feel like I should be doing the other press conference. But it's what it is, you know, I mean. Yeah, I mean, it's the obvious, really. He came back; he played well. I didn't play so well at the very end. Sure, it's disappointing, but I have only myself to blame, you know.
Q. You seemed like you were taking control in the fifth set. How disappointing is it to not be able to kinda keep that momentum going? You certainly had it in that fifth set.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I had it. There's no more I could do. Snaps one shot, and then the whole thing changes. It's strange how it goes, you know, but it was a good tournament for me. Sure, I'd love to be in the finals and give myself a chance to win the title, which is not the case now. So I have to accept that and move on.
Q. You just said I have no one to blame but yourself. Where do you lay the blame?
ROGER FEDERER: Maybe I said.
Q. Do you find it amazing that he can come up with two blinding forehands in successive years on match point? The odds are pretty remote, aren't they, of him doing that twice?
ROGER FEDERER: Look, it happens sometimes. That's why we all watch sports, isn't it? Because we don't know the outcome and everybody has a chance, and until the very moment it can still turn. That's what we love about the sport, but it's also very cruel and tough sometimes. It got me today. It hurts, but it's fine. Could be worse. It could be a final.
Q. Could you hit a much better serve for the return he hit that winner?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, much better. I didn't hit the best serve. But it's just the way he returns that. It's just not -- a guy who believes much, you know, anymore in winning. Then to lose against someone like that, it's very disappointing, because you feel like he was mentally out of it already. Just gets the lucky shot at the end, and off you go.
Q. What did he do better this time than when you played in the French Open?
ROGER FEDERER: Are you serious? I mean, I thought it was a close match. I should have won here. French Open was very close, too. He could have won that. It's just one of those matches, you know. I mean, I set it all up perfect, but I couldn't finish it.
Q. What did you see of Novak's reaction and playing to the crowd after he hit that forehand winner? What were you thinking at that point?
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I see probably 2% of what he does or other players do because I am focused on my stuff, and I don't look what they're doing. I don't really care. As long as it's sportsmanship, I don't care. I don't know what he did, so it's not an issue.
Q. When a guy hits a shot like that forehand on match point, is that a function of luck, of risk, or is it a function of confidence that someone would make kind of...
ROGER FEDERER: Confidence? Are you kidding me? I mean, please. Look, some players grow up and play like that. I remember losing junior matches. Just being down 5 2 in the third, and they all just start slapping shots. It all goes in for some reason, because that's the kind of way they grew up playing when they were down. I never played that way. I believe in hard work's gonna pay off kinda thing, because early on maybe I didn't always work at my hardest. So for me, this is very hard to understand how can you play a shot like that on match point. But, look, maybe he's been doing it for 20 years, so for him it was very normal. You've got to ask him.
Q. Comparing this loss to the Tsonga loss in Wimbledon being up two sets, how do you react to that? Are you more frustrated with this one?
ROGER FEDERER: Same thing. I felt like I played okay today. Maybe better at Wimbledon, but then again, it's a different surface, it's different opponents. Today I clearly felt like I never should have lost, where in Wimbledon it was I don't want to say it was more out of my control, you know but it's, you know, a bit of reaction tennis on grass. I was never up a break in the third, fourth, or fifth at Wimbledon, which today I was. I was one serve away, really. Yeah, I mean, I get over these losses quickly. Wimbledon didn't get me down.
Q. You were really dominant until the first game of the third set, and you made quite a few errors in that game. Kinda let him back in the match. Given how much longer it went and all the things that happened, how important or unimportant was that game?
ROGER FEDERER: You have to figure that Novak was gonna get his teeth into the match at one stage, right? It's a pity that it happened then, because I think I had a couple of game points, too. So it hurts getting broken that way. You know, if it goes 15-40 and you never really have a chance to close it out, it's more acceptable. So like this, it was a bit -- again, a bit unfortunate, I thought. He played well. I didn't serve my very best. It was a combination of many things. And then what he does really well this year, he front runs really well and he started playing great. It was hard to counter his playing. That's why it was very important to push for the two sets to love lead. Everything I did today I thought was the right way. He just played really well in the third and the fourth.
Q. After the shot that everyone's talking about, double match point, your next serve was right into his body and he fought it off. That was a good serve, right?
ROGER FEDERER: It was a better serve. I don't know, I mean, who cares right now? Yeah, maybe I get a bit unlucky with the net cord. Who knows? Seriously, at this point I don't care anymore. It's all in the past.
Q. In Melbourne, after your run there, you said not so fast, everybody. Hold on. Let's see how the year unfolds. A lot of great runs, a lot of good victories this year. No slams. What's your assessment of your season? I know you're just coming off a tough loss.
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, that's a great question. Look, I think the top four guys again had a great season at slams. I definitely had some serious chances to do a bit better, and I still made, what was it, semis, finals, quarters, semis? But I think in a few of them I could have gone all the way, if not a step or two further. It's maybe, you know, a tough year in terms of some tough losses at some crucial stages of the season. Look, it's not the first time it's happened. I have had big matches where I ended up losing some, but the majority I was able to win throughout my career. Some of them you just have to move forward with also losses like this and not get too down about it. Sure you always feel like what an opportunity, what a pity, because you got to wait for a year till the US Open rolls around. But then again, the season is not over yet. I'm looking forward to what's still to come. Like I said, the year could have definitely been better, but then again, there was some reasons for that too, I'm sure.
Q. Can you put into context this year for the competition, the level of quality of play among the top four compared to, say, the past five years?
ROGER FEDERER: I would say similar, isn't it? I mean, Novak has finished No. 3 for three or four years in a row. Murray has been in the top 5 for quite some time. Rafa, myself, anyway, we have been around for what, six years, seven years together at the top? What's it been eight now I have been in the top 4? So it's been pretty much similar. It's just that this year someone else won slams than Rafa and myself.
Q. When you lost the fourth set or you were close to losing the fourth set, were you trying to save energy for the fifth? No, you didn't have any strategy?
ROGER FEDERER: I don't play that way. I don't give away stuff and just hope and save and do that stuff like other players do. I mean, yeah, I believe I can turn it around. I believe in, you know, making things happen and work hard, and, yeah, believing it doesn't matter what the scoreline is. It gives you a bigger lift if you're up 5-1 than being down 5-1. Who cares? You never know, like we saw today.
Q. Did you notice the crowd's spontaneous eruption in your behalf as you entered the court in the fifth set, and did that contribute to your good start in the fifth set?
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, the goal clearly was after, you know, not getting that many chances in the third and the fourth that I was definitely gonna come out sort of running and, you know, ready to go and excited about being in the fifth set, because I love playing five setters. It's what it's all about. I've worked extremely hard throughout my career that, you know, I can win these matches. So that the crowd got into it was fantastic. I mean, you know, I don't want to say I expected it. But it's true, every time you get reminded how great the crowd is here in New York, you know, and that they actually wait for something to happen. For them, that was a key moment. They were happy with our performance, and I think they were really hoping I was gonna win today. I felt that. It definitely gave me a lift on top of that, and that's why maybe it's even more disappointing I couldn't deliver that lift today.
Q. You spoke a moment ago about the tough finishes in the slams. How was your belief in yourself different, if at all, today than it was maybe before this season?
ROGER FEDERER: Same thing. I mean, look, I did all the right things in so many tournaments. But like I said, sometimes in sports it just goes the other way, you know. Maybe you've already won so much that it evens it out a bit sometimes. I don't know. But for me, anyway, it was still a good run here. Like I said, I played great. I thought I was playing some really good tennis these last few matches, and that's definitely gonna give me a lift. Sure, it's a bit of a bummer here, what happened today. I guess it happens occasionally.
Q. Your first slam was in 2003 and your last one was 2010. At the end of this year, will you have a different feeling than the last seven?
ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I mean, it's not January 1st yet. Let's see what happens. There's still some stuff left: hometown tournament in Basel, the World Tour Finals coming up still where I'm qualified for. So there's still a lot to play for this season, but definitely I've had better seasons, yeah. But then again, you can't play every season identical. You don't want it to be, otherwise it becomes boring, too. I guess I will be extremely hungry going to Australia next year. It's clear and obvious, and I know if I keep on working hard now that I'm feeling so good right now it will all pay off. I know it. I haven't felt like this in a long time, so this is a good time.
Q. Players have been very vocal and effective in making their views known here. You know the game. Do you expect to see major changes here, or do you think things will just revert again and the schedule will be as it is next year again and so on?
ROGER FEDERER: It will be disappointing if that's the case. I don't want to have to say that. Without putting any pressure on them, I think it's obvious that there needs to be a change, especially at the back end of the tournament. I believe also at the front end you can't play first rounds over three days in a place where you do get rain and you don't have a roof so you don't have that protection. Yeah, I mean, it's not the first year we're finishing on Monday. I just think the competitive advantage that maybe one player has over another in any Grand Slam final, at the US Open it's just unfair for the player. I just hope that a tournament, they understand it, they see that. It shouldn't even be like a debate and trying to put them in a corner. I just think it's common sense. We'll hope for that, otherwise we will have to make ourselves heard again, which is not something we like doing.
sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011
Roger Federer ha caido ante Djokovic por 7-6 (9-7), 6-4, 3-6, 2-6 y 5-7 en 3 horas y 51 minutos, en semifinales del US Open 2011.
Roger Federer ha caido en semifinales del US Open 2011, ante el serbio Novak Djokovic por 7-6 (9-7), 6-4, 3-6, 2-6 y 5-7 en 3 horas y 51 minutos.
El suizo ha perdido un partido que tenía controlado y al igual que ocurriera el año pasado tambien ante el serbio, ha dejado escapar 2 bolas de partido y ha acabado pagandolo con la derrota que rompe una racha de 7 años consecutivos ganando al menos un título de Grand Slam, ya que este año Roger no ha podido ganar ninguno.
El partido comenzó con ambos tenistas tanteandose y ganando sus servicios sin problemas y sin dar opciones al rival.
El set transcurrió a ritmo de saques hasta llegar al tie break, donde Roger lo encarriló rapidamente con 5-2 pero se relajó y casi acaba pagandolo, pero afortunadamente el suizo se repuso y pudo llevarse el tie break y el primer set.
El segundo set comenzó bien para Roger, que en el tercer juego del set conseguía romper el saque del serbio y con su saque tomar ventaja y ponerse 3-1.
Cuando iban 3-2, era el serbio quien aprovechaba varios errores de Roger y le devolvía el break y de esta forma empataba el set.
Se llegó al 4-4, cuando Roger subió el nivel y a base de buenos golpes consiguió romper el saque de Djokovic y posteriormente con su servicio llevarse el segundo set por 6-4.
En el tercer set, Roger se relajó y encajó un break pronto que le dió ventaja al serbio que supo mantener su ventaja y no dió ninguna opción a Roger para poder devolverle el break, con lo cual el serbio se llevaba el set por 6-3.
En el cuarto set, Roger seguía muy errático y vió como en el primer juego era el serbio quien conseguía un break y tomaba ventaja en el marcador.
Con 3-1, nuevamente el serbio conseguía otro break y lo consolidaba con su saque para ponerse 5-1.
Ya no hubo mas break y el serbio se llevaba el set por 6-2 y de esta forma empataba el partido.
En el quinto set, Roger subió el nivel y el set estuvo muy igualado y ambos tenistas ganaban sus servicios.
Cuando el marcador era de 4-3 para Roger, el suizo conseguía un break y posteriormente sacaba para ganar el partido, donde dispuso de dos bolas de partido que no pudo aprovechar y el serbio sorprendentemente conseguía el break y posteriormente con su saque empataba el partido 5-5.
Roger se desmotivó y el serbio al igual que hiciera el año pasado, conseguía volver a romper el saque a Roger y con su saque se llevaba la victoria.
Roger Federer viajará en los próximos dias hacia Sidney (Australia), donde el próximo fin de semana jugará la Copa Davis con su país, donde los suizos buscarán ganar a los australianos y conseguir el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
Estadísticas del partido:
Roger Federer ha logrado 11 aces y ha cometido 4 dobles faltas. Ha tenido un 61% de primeros servicios dentro. Ha ganado 67% de puntos con su primer servicio y 56% con su segundo servicio.
Ha conectado 49 winners y ha cometido 59 errores no forzados.
Ha convertido 3 de las 5 bolas de break a favor y ha salvado 6 de las 12 bolas de break en contra.
Ha ganado 18 de las 27 veces que ha subido a la red.
El suizo ha perdido un partido que tenía controlado y al igual que ocurriera el año pasado tambien ante el serbio, ha dejado escapar 2 bolas de partido y ha acabado pagandolo con la derrota que rompe una racha de 7 años consecutivos ganando al menos un título de Grand Slam, ya que este año Roger no ha podido ganar ninguno.
El partido comenzó con ambos tenistas tanteandose y ganando sus servicios sin problemas y sin dar opciones al rival.
El set transcurrió a ritmo de saques hasta llegar al tie break, donde Roger lo encarriló rapidamente con 5-2 pero se relajó y casi acaba pagandolo, pero afortunadamente el suizo se repuso y pudo llevarse el tie break y el primer set.
El segundo set comenzó bien para Roger, que en el tercer juego del set conseguía romper el saque del serbio y con su saque tomar ventaja y ponerse 3-1.
Cuando iban 3-2, era el serbio quien aprovechaba varios errores de Roger y le devolvía el break y de esta forma empataba el set.
Se llegó al 4-4, cuando Roger subió el nivel y a base de buenos golpes consiguió romper el saque de Djokovic y posteriormente con su servicio llevarse el segundo set por 6-4.
En el tercer set, Roger se relajó y encajó un break pronto que le dió ventaja al serbio que supo mantener su ventaja y no dió ninguna opción a Roger para poder devolverle el break, con lo cual el serbio se llevaba el set por 6-3.
En el cuarto set, Roger seguía muy errático y vió como en el primer juego era el serbio quien conseguía un break y tomaba ventaja en el marcador.
Con 3-1, nuevamente el serbio conseguía otro break y lo consolidaba con su saque para ponerse 5-1.
Ya no hubo mas break y el serbio se llevaba el set por 6-2 y de esta forma empataba el partido.
En el quinto set, Roger subió el nivel y el set estuvo muy igualado y ambos tenistas ganaban sus servicios.
Cuando el marcador era de 4-3 para Roger, el suizo conseguía un break y posteriormente sacaba para ganar el partido, donde dispuso de dos bolas de partido que no pudo aprovechar y el serbio sorprendentemente conseguía el break y posteriormente con su saque empataba el partido 5-5.
Roger se desmotivó y el serbio al igual que hiciera el año pasado, conseguía volver a romper el saque a Roger y con su saque se llevaba la victoria.
Roger Federer viajará en los próximos dias hacia Sidney (Australia), donde el próximo fin de semana jugará la Copa Davis con su país, donde los suizos buscarán ganar a los australianos y conseguir el ascenso al Grupo Mundial 2012.
Estadísticas del partido:
Roger Federer ha logrado 11 aces y ha cometido 4 dobles faltas. Ha tenido un 61% de primeros servicios dentro. Ha ganado 67% de puntos con su primer servicio y 56% con su segundo servicio.
Ha conectado 49 winners y ha cometido 59 errores no forzados.
Ha convertido 3 de las 5 bolas de break a favor y ha salvado 6 de las 12 bolas de break en contra.
Ha ganado 18 de las 27 veces que ha subido a la red.
Previa del partido R.Federer - N.Djokovic en semifinales del US Open 2011. Sábado 10 de Septiembre a las 18:00 pm hora local.
Categoría: Grand Slam.
Fecha del torneo: 29-8-2011 - 11-9-2011.
FECHA DEL PARTIDO: Sábado 10 de Septiembre de 2011.
HORA DEL PARTIDO: 12:00 pm hora local (New York), 18:00 pm en España, 13:00 pm en Argentina.
METEOROLOGÍA: Chubascos, 24º de temperatura máxima, humedad de 60% y vientos de 9 km/h.
TV: Tennis Channel; ESPN, Eurosport, CBSports, Canal +, SkySports y algunos más....
WEB: Channel Surfing, Live Score Hunter, From Sport, MyP2P, Atdhe
PISTA: Pista central "Arthur Ashe" del complejo tenístico "USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center " (New York-EEUU), 22.547 espectadores. Exterior sobre pista dura.


Fecha de Nacimiento: 22 de Mayo de 1987
Nacionalidad: Serbia
Peso: 80 Kgs
Ranking actual: 1º
Mejor ranking de su carrera: 1º (Junio de 2011)
Debut como profesional: 2003
Entrenador: Marian Vajda
Datos de interés del tenista serbio :
Novak Djokovic es un tenista serbio de 24 años, es diestro y juega con revés a dos manos. Lleva desde 2003 como tenista profesional.
Le apodan "Nole". Comenzó a jugar a los 4 años.
Posee unos potentes golpes desde el fondo de pista tanto con su derecha como con su revés
Actualmente es el 1º del mundo. Es su mejor ranking.
Tiene 27 títulos en su palmarés: Destacan el Open de Australia (2008, 2011), Wimbledon (2011), Copa Masters (2008) y los Masters 1000 de Miami (2007, 2011), Montreal (2007, 2011), Indian Wells (2008, 2011), Roma (2008, 2011), París-Bercy (2009) y Madrid (2011).
Se ha enfrentado 23 veces a Roger Federer con un balance a favor del suizo por 14-9.
Categoría: Grand Slam.
Fecha del torneo: 29-8-2011 - 11-9-2011.
FECHA DEL PARTIDO: Sábado 10 de Septiembre de 2011.
HORA DEL PARTIDO: 12:00 pm hora local (New York), 18:00 pm en España, 13:00 pm en Argentina.
METEOROLOGÍA: Chubascos, 24º de temperatura máxima, humedad de 60% y vientos de 9 km/h.
TV: Tennis Channel; ESPN, Eurosport, CBSports, Canal +, SkySports y algunos más....
WEB: Channel Surfing, Live Score Hunter, From Sport, MyP2P, Atdhe
PISTA: Pista central "Arthur Ashe" del complejo tenístico "USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center " (New York-EEUU), 22.547 espectadores. Exterior sobre pista dura.
Fecha de Nacimiento: 22 de Mayo de 1987
Nacionalidad: Serbia
Altura: 1,88 metros
Peso: 80 Kgs
Ranking actual: 1º
Mejor ranking de su carrera: 1º (Junio de 2011)
Debut como profesional: 2003
Entrenador: Marian Vajda
Datos de interés del tenista serbio :
Novak Djokovic es un tenista serbio de 24 años, es diestro y juega con revés a dos manos. Lleva desde 2003 como tenista profesional.
Le apodan "Nole". Comenzó a jugar a los 4 años.
Posee unos potentes golpes desde el fondo de pista tanto con su derecha como con su revés
Actualmente es el 1º del mundo. Es su mejor ranking.
Tiene 27 títulos en su palmarés: Destacan el Open de Australia (2008, 2011), Wimbledon (2011), Copa Masters (2008) y los Masters 1000 de Miami (2007, 2011), Montreal (2007, 2011), Indian Wells (2008, 2011), Roma (2008, 2011), París-Bercy (2009) y Madrid (2011).
Su mejor resultado en un Grand Slam fue campeón en el Open de Australia 2008 y 2011 y en Wimbledon 2011..
Este año lleva un balance de 62 victorias y 2 derrotas.
Este año ha conseguido 260 aces, ha cometido 101 dobles faltas, ha convertido el 47% de bolas de break a favor y ha salvado el 68% de bolas de break en contra.
Este año lleva un balance de 62 victorias y 2 derrotas.
Este año ha conseguido 260 aces, ha cometido 101 dobles faltas, ha convertido el 47% de bolas de break a favor y ha salvado el 68% de bolas de break en contra.
Se ha enfrentado 23 veces a Roger Federer con un balance a favor del suizo por 14-9.
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